Lexus RX 350 – Calgary’s Most Desired SUV

Since the 1990s the Lexus RX series have proven to be one of Calgary most popular suv. Defined with an exquisite balance of style with functionality, the RX 300 to present RX 350 have rightfully earned their place as the most sought after sport utility vehicle.

The Lexus RX Has Transcended the Category

Like no other vehicle, the Lexus RX has rightly owned the category it created. From the very beginning, discerning owners in Calgary discovered the integrity of quality the Rx transcends throughout it’s driving experience. Often a new driver has to do a double take to confirm it’s an SUV he or she is driving.

An Expected Ride

Smoother than most cars, the Lexus RX carries its’ passengers over an amazing array of driving conditions with the truck-like jostling that one would expect. Comfort on many common sense fronts allows the driver to confidently maneuver the city street, much like one does in a car.

Classic Design With Outstanding Engineering

Often when we are assisting a first time Lexus purchaser, we witness the “Oh I get it” moment. It usually occurs when we guide the buyer through the small but important ingredients that make Lexus the industry favorite. The integrity of fit and practicality of design all testify to the best engineering the automotive industry builds.

Industry Reviews

There are countless industry reviews that hail the benefits of the RX. One such is the one at Edmonds Read and enjoy.